Monday, December 26, 2011

O futuro é desconhecido mas os meus desejos são reais

Como será amanhã? Como será hoje a noite? Ou daqui a 5 minutos? Não sei...não sei..mas isso não me afecta,apesar de viver uma vida que vive num presente inseguro os meus sonhos tiram-me da realidade.
Eu quero escrever,escrever,escrever! Seja o que for..poemas,livros...banda desenhada não :).É isso que eu quero,escrever,escrever palavras bonitas que fazem lágrimas cair dos meus olhos e desejar com muita força...o meus sonho que é um dia publicar um romance ou um livro de poesia poderá concretizar-se e as minhas palavras bonitas podem inspirar quem que as lê.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

So long

It´s been such a long time since I have written on my blog. I never have time, university just takes all my time away. Well here´s an update, I´m in university, the course...oriental languages and cultures,major chinese,minor japanese. Yep, that is what I am majoring and minoring in.Oriental languages.
It´s been great, I have met amazing people and am making friendships.
That´s it for now

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Time ticks away but I'm lost in tears

Sometimes when I come to write on my blog I don't know what to write,I want to write something that will change someone's day or change just a little bit of the world.
Today I write a bit of how I feel.I already miss some of my friends, the ones that I know that I was close to and I'm gunna miss them.Friendship for me is something so important that I write about it,poem after poem after poem.And now my book is growing, a book based on friendship,changing lives and being written because of friends.
Time can be our friend or our enemy.Our friend when we are having a good time,then our enemy when that time ends.Right now...time is my enemy,and only time will tell if my future is safe or not.
No one can understand the reason that I'm writing this,if you ask I'd might tell you.
Might XD

Monday, August 30, 2010


Well,trying to write about something on here everyday while my life right now is just so boring that banging my head on the wall is fun is hard!

My book is going well,I'm on the third chapter and it's the first book that I'm writing that I'm really liking aswell.Apart from thinking of the next sentence to write I'm also thinking about the cover, the colours,the picture,etc.

I'm just really grateful for my inspiration,cause I love to write and never would my other books sound as good as this one and I know that it was because I didn't have an inspiration.But now that I have found my muse,my book is beautiful.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Writing my first book

So for years I have tried to write a book! I've searched for something to write, mystery,romance, thriller! All of them are the type of books I don't read, but finally....finally I have found something to write.

My friend has inspired me to write this book, I won't put any of it on here because I haven't finished it yet and becuase it's personal work so it won't be put on any of my two blogs.

But thanks to my dear friend who taught me alot I have finally been able to start fullfilling my dream.I even have it all planed-I publish the book,it becomes a major hit,I beacome rich,buy a condo in the Upper West Side and travel the world! Yeah, it is a very very thin chance, but who said that I can not dream?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Haven't written in a long time

So the last time I wrote on this blog was over a month ago, a lot has happend since then, I passed both of my exams and I'm now waiting to here from the universitys that I enrolled in to see if they have accepted me.
But I guess that that's about it really. So not that MUCH has really happend.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Decidi onde quero viver!

Decidi o local onde quero trabalhar e viver...ja e' algo que andou a chatear-me durante algum tempo, mas finalmente decidi...quero viver em New York!

Seria o local perfeito para mim! Tem tudo.É basicamente o centro do mundo, e apesar de ser so edificios e pessoas e poluicao...acho que e' uma cidade linda.